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Halloween-Special – The Simpsons: 50 Reasons Not to Vote Trump!

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Halloween-Special – The Simpsons: 50 Reasons Not to Vote Trump!
In der diesjährigen Halloween-Episode führen die Simpsons einfach mal 50 Gründe an, warum es keine wirklich gute Idee ist, Trump nochmals zum Präsidenten der USA zu wählen... THE SIMPSONS' 50 'REASONS' NOT TO REELECT TRUMP  Made it okay to shoot hibernating bears Put children in cages Called Mexicans rapists Imitated disabled reporter Looks lousy in a tennis outfit Can’t get wife to hold hand Called third world countries ****holes Called Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple’ Said Jewish people who vote Democrat are disloyal Showed top secret documents at Mar-A-Lago restaurant Called white supremacists ‘fine people’ Leaked classified information to Russian
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